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Commentary By John Stossel

Most Recent Releases

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December 21, 2022

Woke Comic Books By John Stossel

Did you know that Superman's son is bisexual? So is Batman's sidekick, Robin, and lots of other superheroes created by Marvel and DC Comics.

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December 14, 2022

The Science of Happiness By John Stossel

Are you happy? Many people say they feel happier during the holidays.

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December 7, 2022

Black Guns Matter By John Stossel

We know about Black Lives Matter. My new video is about a group called Black Guns Matter.

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November 30, 2022

Bias, Envy and Hatred By John Stossel

   Today, big media has an agenda. Fox and most talk radio push right; most other media spin left.

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November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving Lessons By John Stossel

Thursday, if you eat a nice meal, thank the Pilgrims. They made Thanksgiving possible.

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November 16, 2022

Magic Cars By John Stossel

Politicians praise electric cars. If everyone buys them, they say, solar and wind power will replace our need for oil.

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November 10, 2022

Election Good, Bad and Ugly By John Stossel

The Good: We have divided government. Since Democrats no longer control Congress, they can't bankrupt America quite so fast!

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November 2, 2022

Inconvenient Facts by John Stossel

Electric cars sales are up 66% this year.

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October 26, 2022

Betting on 2022 By John Stossel

Some pundits say that Democrats will win the midterms.

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October 19, 2022

Obama Propaganda by John Stossel

Netflix is paying Barack and Michelle Obama millions of dollars to produce shows for them.

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October 12, 2022

Twitter Secrets By John Stossel

I love Twitter.

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October 5, 2022

Hurricane Myths By John Stossel

Hurricane Ian is gone, but the media's myths about hurricanes live on.

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September 28, 2022

School Choice Winning By John Stossel

Finally! Now more states will let parents use their tax money to educate their kids at a school they choose.

September 21, 2022

No Apologies by John Stossel

Performers censor themselves -- fearing they might offend. Those who offend Hollywood lose work. Some lose friends.

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September 7, 2022

Going Hungry By John Stossel

Starvation. Poverty. People struggling to buy medicine and fuel.

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August 31, 2022

Labor Union Shortage By John Stossel

Monday is Labor Day. Will you celebrate unions?

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August 24, 2022

Scientific 'Integrity' By John Stossel

"Trust the science," say the media.

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August 17, 2022

Volunteers in Ukraine By John Stossel

When Russia attacked Ukraine, "experts" said the country would fall within days.

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August 10, 2022

Politics by Profession By John Stossel

Why are you a conservative?

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August 3, 2022

Tax Freedom in Puerto Rico by John Stossel

Want to pay no federal income tax?